VP Pick!

25 08 2008

Sooooo… It’s official.

Obama chose Joe Biden to be his Vice Presidential running mate… My original reaction was a little something like, “ummmmmmmmm ok.”

Dont get me wrong, I understand why he picked him. I mean, you’d either have to be not very smart or not listen/read any news to not understand why he picked Biden, seeing as though all the pundits have been talking about it ALL this weekend. You know the basic stuff: Biden gives him national security presence. Biden gives him experience. Biden provides that working class white man vote Barack has had a hard time getting.

I get all that, I do. But still, something about the pick was just soooo… uninspiring. Thats not a true knock on Biden, exactly. Because I’m not sure if any of the picks people had been talking about lately would have inspired me… but Biden, specifically, just seemed so contrived. So traditional. Sooooo not about change.

Now, I believe that I’ve noted to you all before that I’m not one of those people ready to crown Barack the next savior, but part of the reason I liked him was that I felt maybe he really believed all the stuff he said. And that meant something to this political cynic. Well, as the race moves along and gets closer to November, I’m seeing Barack move closer and closer to pandering to the traditional than rebelling against it.

I mean, really?! Joe Biden?! How much more traditional could you get?

BUT all that said, I’m still going to vote for them. Which was my second reaction. I know this was something he had to do. Afterall, John Edwards ruined ANY chance he had of being the nominee. Only the craziest Hillary Clinton stan thought she would be the nominee. And logically, the people scared about Barack being about too much change, might be calmed down by a guy who’s been around Washington government for a really really long time. Note the balding white hair, ladies and gentleman.

All in all, Barack took a page out of George Bush’s handbook. He played up the whole, “I want to change how Washington is” thing and then made his VP runningmate someone who IS Washington politics. And thats cool, I guess.

I still hope they win. I’m just not sure if I’ll be jumping up and down if they do…. wait, what am I saying? I’m definitely going to be jumping up and down, doing flips and jumping on trampolines like the “rhythmic gymnasts” at the Olympics, and running around like David Oliver (GO BISON)! But in my heart, I’ll slightly wish just maayyybe it was someone else in that VP slot. (You know, someone who doesnt slip up and give compliments about being articulate… yeah, I still havent forgotten that. “He Speaks SO WELL!”)



2 responses

28 08 2008

Yea, that speech Biden gave last night…. I could’ve done with out it. The best part was when Barack came out, lol. I really got up when the speech was over and wanted those 15 minutes of my life back. His son did a great job though. No worries, I’m still voting for them. However, if they keep employing smart dummies, I may have to become an independent, lol.

28 08 2008

ha ah ha. I’m watching it right now… but you know, the man is not known for being the most entertaining speaker. lol. And I have no comment about their choice of employees LMAO

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